Would your organisation or group be interested in taking part in a Resistance Quilt Project workshop – a creative workshop exploring what can be done to end femicide? Email to register your interest!
The Resistance Quilt project relies on public participation, and is actively seeking opportunities to do workshops with all different kinds of organisations/ groups in Austria. The workshops are free of charge and all materials are provided.
The workshop can take place wherever you usually meet, or if preferred I can organise a location or host it in my studio space. You do not need any ‘creative skills’ or knowledge of feminism to take part in these workshops – your knowledge about your own life and community is hugely valuable to this project!
Workshops can be tailored to the needs or wishes of your organisation but the basic outline is as follows:
- A short presentation in which I introduce the project and the topic of femicide.
- A group discussion about what makes women and gender non conforming people vulnerable to femicide and what must be done to change these points.
- From this discussion, we will then generate a demand to form the centre of the banner.
- Visualising change: We then discuss how this demand could be met and what this would look like in the context of our own lives and communities.
- We design the banner to include the demand and our visualisations of change. (It is possible to end the workshop here.)
- We can then go on to make the banner using fabric and/ or paint. I can provide all materials and a large tarpaulin to protect the location from any paint. You do not need any ‘creative skills’ to take part!
Workshops can be held either in English or a mixture of German (B2 level) and English. Support services will be signposted and time will be taken at the beginning of the workshop to establish a warm atmosphere.
If you are interested in collaborating on a workshop please register your interest by emailing